Title: Lost Boy Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 2371
Summary: When Youngjae agrees to dog sit for his neighbor, he gets more than he bargained for. (Fluffy 2jae one-shot to celebrate that it's been a year since I posted my very first fanfic.) AU.
Title: Choi Scrooge? Choi Claus? Chapter: 2 (of 2) Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 6523 Warnings:[Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers for Rudolph and Frosty as well as kdrama plots in general. Other than that? Major sugary fluff ahead.Summary: Youngjae’s not really feeling the whole Christmas thing but still gets roped into helping with a Christmas play, which
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Title: Choi Scrooge? Choi Claus? Chapter: 1 (of 2) Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 6356 Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers for Rudolph and Frosty as well as kdrama plots in general. Other than that? Major sugary fluff ahead. Youngjae’s not really feeling the whole Christmas thing but still gets roped into helping with a Christmas play, which is
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Title: What a Night(mare) Chapter: 2 (of 2) Pairing: Jimin/Yoongi, Jimin/Taehyung (friendship) Rating: PG Word Count: 3354
Summary: College AU. Halloween inspired but not frightening (despite the slightly misleading story title). Story setting starts 2014 and will end 2015, so it covers two Halloween nights. Yoonmin fluff.
Title: What a Night(mare) Chapter: 1 (of 2) Pairing: Jimin/Yoongi Rating: PG Word Count: 1757
Summary: College AU. Halloween inspired but not frightening (despite the slightly misleading title). Story setting starts 2014 and will end 2015, so it covers two Halloween nights. Yoonmin fluff.